神话 作词 : Mr. No Problem 作曲 : 行家茶友 神 話 The Tale of God 存在每個人心中永恆美麗的傳奇 The eternal and beautiful tale that exists in everyone's heart 像一道光在生命中顯現 It manifests in life, like a ray of light 柔和的愛像大海般的遼闊與溫柔 The gentle love is as vast and tender as the ocean 從心中湧出無限的愛與深刻的感激 Infinite love and profound gratitude flowing out from the heart 生活充滿平凡喜悅 Life is full of ordinary joy 每一天享受著優美 豐足與恩典 Enjoy beauty, abundance and grace everyday 智慧之泉無盡地流動著 The fountain of wisdom flows endlessly 讓我的生命充滿神奇 Let my life be full of magics 我是寧靜之河 我是光之河 I am the river of tranquility, I am the river of light 讓世界充滿了光 充滿了愛 Filling the world full with light, full with love 在地球上盡情地沐浴自身的神性之光 Boundlessly bathe in your own light of divinity on earth 我是寧靜之河 我是光之河 I am the river of tranquility, I am the river of light 讓世界充滿了光 充滿了愛 Filling the world full with light, full with love 在地球上盡情地沐浴自身的神性之光 Boundlessly bathe in your own light of divinity on earth