[00:00.711]Gustave it's alright it's me [00:04.541]Gustave please take him away [00:09.231]I'm so sorry [00:10.411]Please forgive him he meant no harm [00:15.231]How could you think I wouldn't guess [00:19.440]What do you mean [00:20.510]How could you think I wouldn't know [00:24.500]Oh no [00:25.260]Do you have something to confess [00:29.00]Please don't make me [00:30.250]I want the truth right now if so [00:39.630]Once upon another time [00:43.440]You went off and left me alone [00:50.950]But that's not all you did [00:55.140]You left me with a son [01:03.360]Ever since that other time [01:07.50]I wished how I wished you'd have known [01:13.750]I kept the secret hid the secret my marriage forbid [01:22.870]What else could I have done [01:29.810]Just love [01:33.560]Our son [01:35.500]Just live [01:38.370]My son [01:40.500]Just give what I could give [01:45.810]And take what little I deserve [01:59.970]My own flesh and blood [02:04.900]And even he recoils in horror from me [02:11.210]Just like his mother [02:18.780]Forgive me I beg you if you can [02:29.150]I've brought you nothing but woe [02:37.530]Tomorrow night I'll sing with all my might [02:47.780]Sing for you again then we'll go [03:09.400]From out of ugliness such light [03:17.770]From out of darkness such a flame [03:26.400]In him my wrongness is made right [03:34.20]And yet he loathes me just the same [03:42.650]So let him shun me in disgust [03:49.960]Let him flee this cursed face [03:59.960]If I must hide from him I must [04:07.840]Yet shall he be my saving grace [04:22.590]Oh Christine my Christine [04:26.340]If it's true I've no reason to live [04:31.900]Then Christine then our boy [04:35.30]Shall have all I can give [04:39.150]Ah Christine [04:41.590]All I create on this earth [04:46.840]All that I'll never be worth [04:51.650]All shall be his [05:50.520]Ten long years and he casts us aside [05:56.280]Ten whole years this is how we're repaid [06:01.800]Ten dark years of toil and tears [06:05.800]And now what we've worked for will go to that child [06:10.600]All our hopes were at last in our grasp [06:14.730]All the dreams and the plans that we laid [06:18.730]Everything is vanishing [06:21.920]And we get discarded rejected reviled [06:25.880]All of the bonds in between is now torn [06:29.370]All of the love that we gave him was worn [06:32.940]All would be ours [06:34.380]If that bastard had never been born