Weapon For Saturday I'm a weapon for Saturday I'm the baddest car in the parking lot Hottest gun that the preacher shot And I always get my way Always get my way I'm a weapon for Saturday I'm the house that fell on the bitter witch Hottest ***** in a biker flick And I always get my way Always get my way And you will feel me like a thunderstorm I shake the ground you walk upon And you can wonder who I really am I'm only the face of every woman Just a heartbeat in a man I'm a weapon for Saturday I'm the baddest car in the parking lot Hottest gun that the preacher shot And I always get my way Always get my way I'm a weapon for Saturday I'm a corporate guy with the biggest tip Coolestpimp on the Vegas strip And I always get my way Always get my way You can hear me in the riot songs You can try to block the sounds out I stand there chanting all night long I am nothing but your dearest friend I will keep your secrets locked up I'm the one who can defend And I'm taking what's mine I won't go down without a fight You can try to tie my hands I will break the knots around them I got my sword and my shield And I can see the battlefield I keep marching til the last While the shots have hit my back I'm a weapon for Saturday I'm the baddest car in the parking lot Hottest gun that the preacher shot And I always get my way Always get my way I'm a weapon for Saturday I'm the fastest horse in the Derby race Only know how to win first place And I always get my way Always get my way I'm a weapon for Saturday And I always get my way Always get my way