PP 15 Interlude PP 15Interlude ()-Night Lovell Life sucks when you talking 'bout the game Boolin'with my niggas and we dreaming on the way yeah Planning all the problems that we made Got that ak-47just to ruin all your days yeah yeah You don't commit let that b**ch sit They call me bossy but I give no sh*t I go to cash out on pink tamagotchis I promise that next time I'll grow up a bit Calling for the first time Say she wanna show the tan lines I told her hit me on the facetime These niggas hanging off the grape vine Ten deep walking down baseline No I don't got no damn time Niggas asking for a lifeline I got ways to the gold mine Ni**a I'm about mine Pay attention to the hand sign Niggas running from the gang signs gang signs I was just like The rest of them I don't really f**k with Cause I remember them all coming over to f**king Robby's and smoking us all a joint And after it was all done they were like Yo that was a dmt joint And we were all f**kin staring at this plate on the table That had like this flowery design on it And everyone was like Yo you see that f**kin plate And we're like droolin lookin at the f**kin plate