Two More Wishes There must have been a genie at the bottom of the bottle 'Cause I was hopin' real hard that you'd appear The temperature here keeps gettin' hotter So let's go ahead and get on outta here 'Cause I've got two more wishes I hear that good things come in threes And I believe it And I'm seeing one that's comin' true tonight The way my heart is feeling's got me thinkin' My future's standin' right here before my eyes And I've got two more wishes Yes I've got two more wishes You'd say you'd say you're mine you're mine For the rest of time Every day we'd fall in love And that's what I want You'd say you'd say you're mine you're mine For the rest of time Every day we'd fall in love And that's what I want There must have been a genie At the bottom of the bottle 'Cause I was hopin' real hard that you'd appear The temperature here keeps gettin' hotter So let's go ahead and get on outta here 'Cause I've got two more wishes Yes I have got two more wishes