A Box On The Broken Ball (Hip Hop Remix By 爽子)         Welcome to our home    Our home away from home    All we got is this room in a box on the broken ball    We're looking for a parking spot in this parking lot tonight    We're looking for a party spot    Don't leave us in the dark!        Welcome to our show    Our show away from home    All we get is this stage in a box on the broken ball    In a box on the broken ball    Just let us on the road tonight    In a box on the broken ball    Just let us be on the road        Turn on all the lights in the city, my darling Beijing    You are the big city Queen    Give a chance to all your people, Let us be the men    In a Box on the Broken Ball        (Chuck D Vocals)    Global move on a massive scale    Over a billion plus folk, they gonna exhale    Made in China, but they aint for sale    What do we care?    What do you care?        Soul in a box, whatcha gonna do?    And the world on the watch, waitin for you    The time is now, and here's the crew    In the place to be    They comin from the east        Turn on all the lights in the city, my darling Beijing    You are the big city Queen    Give a chance to all your people, Let us be the men    In a Box on the Broken Ball