Differences My dear 看天上的云朵 是否 和以往很不同 一层层像棉花糖球 让天空画上笑容 My dear 黄色是你的独特 世界 用多彩来组合 主要成份叫做你的快乐 要肯定你该拥有 And you just be you, without any change with no differences And you just be you, we deserve to love and deserve be loved My Dear 春天花期又到了 大地 换上崭新面容 一片片幼黄的妆容 你点缀那一抹红 And you just be you, without any change with no differences And you just be you, we deserve to love and deserve be loved And you just be you, without any change with no differences And you just be you, we deserve to love and deserve be loved Move on 即使充满意外 Move on 跟随心底去闯 Move on Move on Without any change, with no differences And you just be you 不轻易投降 等待下一道阳光