Polly Von I shall tell of a hunter whose life was undone By the cruel hand of evil at the setting of the sun His arrow was loosed And it flew through the dark And his true love was slain as the shaft Found it's mark She'd her apron wrapped about her And he took her for a swan And it's oh and the alas it was she polly von He ran up beside her and found it was she He turned away his head For he could not bear to see He lifted her up and found she was dead A fountain of tears for his true love he shed She'd her apron wrapped about her And he took her for a swan And it's oh and the alas it was she polly von He bore her away to his home by the sea Cryin' father oh father I murdered poor polly I've killed my fair love in the flower of her life I always intended that she be my wife But she'd her apron wrapped about her And I took her for a swan And it's oh and alas it was she polly von He roamed near the place where his true love was slain He wept bitter tears but his cries were all in vain As he looked on the lake a swan glided by And the sun slowly sank in the grey of the sky She'd her apron wrapped about her And he took her for a swan And it's oh and the alas it was she polly von