Rescue When the drinks come marching in, guess we blew the resolution... The evidence of last night scatered on the floor. We caffeinate our blood. Talk religion and our families. Graduate then separeate... throw our caps into the air. Now it's 3 o' clock in the morning and you're crying on the curb. If you never scrape your knees... how're you ever gonna learn? Never said that life was easy... but we're gonna make it work. (Chorus) When you need me I'll be there, a friend in the eye of the storm. And when all the lights burn out, I'll carry you out of the dark. I'll come to your rescue. Do you remember when we used to swing from street lights? Chasing New York minutes on Pacific time. Well, if I didn't believe in you, Why the hell am I still here? Like an hour glass, but we lasted... Even after all these years. (Chorus) When you need me I'll be there, a friend in the eye of the storm. And when all the lights burn out, I'll carry you out of the dark. I'll come to your rescue. When your ups and downs spin you round and round again. If you're dizzy now... and your world is caving in... I'll come to your rescue. (Chorus) When you need me I'll be there, a friend in the eye of the storm. And when all the lights burn out, I'll carry you out of the dark. I'll come to your rescue. One day the skies will clear. Nothing to worry, no fear. I'll come to your rescue.