Tugboats and Tumbleweeds Some time alone when you are young is good High, high time, and drunk old time, sober time I advise all three when your brain is at least twenty-three Take a ********** year or two And find an eye that's true But don't let yourself get so blue That you make rash decisions for two Else you'll harm yourself and another Who mistook you for a guide When you're still a rogue tide Fools learn from fools The wise learn from the wise And always be prepared to revise And when you get older, find a quiet time To ride on ahead or fall behind And take a good look inside your mind Morning can be godmotherly To stretch, walk, and wander through Or the wee small hours when the whole world is asleep, but you Afternoons are okay too To take an ocean view And always look for the tugboats Already attached to you And you, you're a tugboat too Yeah, you, you're a tugboat too You're my tugboat You're my tugboat You're my tugboat