Shine On The greatest gift the gift of life The gift of love divine God gave us all a special gift He meant for it to shine He meant for it to shine The darkest night can be made light By one bright word or smile If wed put on our neighbors shoes And choose to walk a mile God gave us all our own free will To choose the paths we take No greater deed could eer be done Than for anothers sake The greatest gift the gift of life The gift of love divine God gave us all a special gift He meant for it to shine He meant for it to shine Shine on shine on for all to see Gods light inside your soul Shine on shine on let love flow free Warm others in its glow Shine on shine on shine on So hide it not or it will fade Shine on shine on shine on Shine on shine on shine o The greatest gift the gift of life The gift of love divine God gave us all a special gift He meant for it to shine Shine on shine on shine on