Domino Late last night at a fancy dress ball I was dancing with all the queens and lordswhen a tall and mystic man took me by the handand began dancing my eyes away Domino, domino, dominowho's the man behind the mask I'd like to knowwho's this masquerading lover I wish I could discoverdomino, domino, domino I was feeling so dizzy and lamewas it champagne or really him to blamethough our faces were disguisedfeelings couldn't hidethat this wasn't just some kind of game Domino, domino, dominowho's the man behind the mask I'd like to knowwho's this masquerading lover I wish I could discoverdomino, domino, domino Domino who are youdomino I'd like to knowdomino who's the real dominothough we're strangers still It's real love I feel domino Then at midnight the bells were all rungand he kisses me and held me in his armsthen a crowd would ride between ustrapped away my strangerand I never did find him again Domino, domino, dominowho's this man behind the mask I'd like to knowwho's this masquerading lover I wish I could discoverdomino, domino, domino