I'll Never Stop Loving You I'll never stop loving you Whatever else I may doMy love for you Will live 'til time itself is through I'll never stop wanting you And when forever is through My heart will beat The way it does each time we meet The night doesn't question the stars That appear in the skies So why should I question the stars That appear in my eyes Of this I'm more than just sure My love will last and endure I'll never, no I'll never stop loving you The night doesn't question the stars That appear in the skies So why should I question the stars That appear in my eyes Of this I'm more than just sure My love will last and endure No, I'll never, no I'll never stop loving you I'll never stop loving you Never, never stop, never stop Never stop loving you Never, loving you, loving you Never stop loving, loving, loving you Loving you, loving you I'll never stop loving you Loving you, never stop, never stop