Contain Thyself Are we crossing the border of the pale, is this the end, the end of our tale? Are we saying goodbye to old friends sailing away on a crave? Wisdom to understand, kindness of strength, mercy in victory, majestic foundation. (I pray.) Nothing is turning our ships off the course, day after day heading straight to the source. No one is sailing these seas of harm, sailing without remorse. Wisdom to understand, kindness of strength, mercy in victory, majestic foundation. Contain Thyself. My sweetest friend, remember how we used to lend all our hope. Remember how there was always more to spend. This is the island, the island by the edge, the end of the world, the end of our pledge to uphold our friendship, to safeguard the tree, the tree of the sheltered and free... The end of the world, the tree of the sheltered and free...