Patripassian 作词 : Tibet The rivers of Babylon flow And fall And carry away Jesus is alone on earth Not merely with no one to feel and share His agony But with no one even to know of it Heaven and he are the only ones to know Jesus is in a garden Not of delight Like the first Adam Who there fell and took with him all mankind But of agony Where He has saved Himself and all mankind He suffers this anguish and abandonment in the horror of the night Jesus will be in agony until the end of the world There must be no resting in the meantime To Eden with me you will not leave To live in my cottage of crazy crooked Eves In your own heavy home Take care of this night When you let your little cat in Turn on the light Something scurries behind And finds a cozy place to stare Something sent to you from paradise Paradisicallysomewhere Tongues flouring They leap out laughing Lapping Disappear