Face Down I shut my eyes in search of sleep Tossed and turned and hoped for dreams Awakened by a voice that was so clear, It felt so near to me I want Your love I need Your touch I've been missing You so much I reach out for Your hand, And now it feels like I am falling Down, down, down Till I kiss the ground, ground, ground (CHORUS): Fall down with my face down Giving up me, myself and I It's a bittersweet taste to swallow my pride now Face down is where I stay now If You see me standing up again Just knock me back down so I can live Face down (V.2) I'm on my face again It's where I should have been It brings me back to where I found You, Where I first fell for You No more depending on myself It's You and me and no one else You stretch out Your hand And now it feels like I am falling into Love, love, love, Can't get enough of love Chorus I got to live face down