跳票 作词 : Kafe.Hu 作曲 : Kafe.Hu When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly Listen 梦就像一颗弹药穿透我心脏带眩晕的特效 我在旷野上奔跑紫外线照耀无对象可乞讨 **** it 上个念头在天上坠落时抓紧了干枯的欲望 撕下一片荒唐挡下体更荒唐这里正流行冠冕堂皇的牵强 Oh **** 我在捕猎一只鸟透明的羽毛只出没在破晓 Bird 像挑逗像逃跑在看见它时牛顿突然弯下了腰 地心引力只让世界更糟糕人类再也飞不了 无限期跳票你触碰不到莎士比亚熬过的通宵 啊只好用一堆银币肆意敲打着梵高 And no body cares about what the **** u want to say 快餐信息的VIP 根据高低等级 Hey what u need? Say Money 从来没把谁喂饱讲梦想刚好我清高得讨巧 肤浅中探讨那只飞走的鸟划破大气层燃烧 When they leaves me I'm so ****** sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad 啊流星划过肩膀是流行的明星被浪潮卷跑 为娱乐所倾倒谁曾告诉我酒精霓虹让他们停止了思考 铁皮屋上猫披星戴月的毒药使它愈发焦躁 制造卑贱的骄傲好过什么没得到 U know? 快感从来不属于大脑 I got The Point right now 把创造激射进安全套 the heavens get down 车在高速下抛锚物理标准般摔倒 Stop 在某天早晨醒来换了眼神看待尘埃 渴望刷新掉情操从未触碰到的鸟 时光流逝中颠倒身体持续在衰老文 艺复兴吗再次跳票 Wow 如同早已来到震惊世界的原因变成消遣的笑料 雕塑天生的懊恼足以把人潮撂倒娱乐困兽的暴燥 Just shut u mouth when the times on 过于重复的老套重复大肆招摇 占领眼镜占领街道及唱片封套 But hold on 27coming **** u up When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly When they leaves me I'm so ******’ sad I want to touch the bird C'mon let me see it fly