[00:00.00]Toxxin'(ON MY PRINCE》情况CD 主题曲)-Zwei [00:05.140]词:彩羅 [00:10.280]曲:onoken [00:15.426]グルグル回るimagination [00:19.786]Your smell just makes me [00:21.556]Thinking about your lips [00:23.315]フワフワ上がるmy emotion [00:27.295]Your sweet warm lips make me [00:29.95]Thinking about our love [00:30.955]Hey babe what are you staring at [00:32.955]きっとnot at me でも [00:34.934]その横顔に [00:37.123]Wanna believe you're mine [00:38.693]Maybe I'm a bit afraid [00:40.493]ずっとmore about us でも [00:42.653]その瞳から [00:44.173]Don't wanna be disappeared [00:46.383]ねえ重ねていたいよ [00:50.173]このままいつまでも [00:53.723]Ah 心の奥まで満たして [00:59.193]強いシルシで [01:04.643]グルグル回るimagination [01:08.503]Your smell just makes me [01:10.193]Thinking about your lips [01:11.993]キラキラ変わるyour affection [01:15.983]Your kisses take me [01:17.563]To the place I've never found [01:20.603]このまま [01:22.262]Oh take my heart with you [01:24.152]My heart [01:24.602]ちょっとこわれそうなくらい [01:27.772]あなたの妖しいkiss に [01:32.611]I'm almost drowning you know babe ah [01:42.550]Hey babe didn't you realize [01:44.120]そっとput my finger on いま [01:46.279]その声でjust whisper to me [01:49.848]Maybe I didn't realize [01:51.657]ずっとyour eyes on me ただ [01:53.737]その唇がjust keep seducing me [01:57.647]ねえ重ねてほしいよ [02:01.287]このまま貴方から [02:04.867]Ah 心の中までほどくの [02:10.456]甘いシルシが [02:15.925]フワフワ上がるmy emotion [02:19.855]Your sweet warm lips make me [02:21.605]Thinking about our love [02:23.285]クラクラさせるtoxication [02:27.255]Your voice and kisses [02:28.625]Always take me higher babe [02:31.875]このまま [02:33.275]Oh take my minds off me [02:35.205]My minds [02:35.815]ちょっとくじけそうなくらい [02:39.45]あなたのイジワルな囁きは [02:43.844]Driving me crazy ah [02:46.854]このまま [02:48.134]Oh take my heart with you [02:50.144]My heart [02:50.694]ちょっとこわれそうなくらい [02:53.994]あなたのやさしいkiss に [02:58.871]I'm almost drowning you know babe ah