Dandelion I can walk I can see I can close to you I can think I can hear I can smile Try again I'll be waiting for you I'll be waiting for you We can walk together Try again I'll be waiting for you I'll be waiting for you Put your hands on your heart Do you feel my heart beat Destiny the wind bloweth where it listeth I made up my own mind Never let light of hope fade in your heart Destiny the wind bloweth where it listeth I made up my own mind Peace on mind. I don't want nothing anymore I am I Why can not we be friends? I don't know why Too sad for words. Stop my rain Where there is life There is hope. Please don't give up Let tomorrow take care of itself Try again I'll be waiting for you I'll be waiting for you We can walk together Try again I'll be waiting for you I'll be waiting for you Put your hands on your heart Do you feel my heart beat Destiny the wind bloweth where it listeth I made up my own mind Never let light of hope fade in your heart Destiny the wind bloweth where it listeth I made up my own mind Peace on mind. I don't want nothing anymore I am I I am I I...we can change I'll be waiting for you Destiny the wind bloweth where it listeth. I made up my own mind Never let light of hope fade in your heart Destiny the wind bloweth where it listeth. I made up my own mind Never let light of hope fade in your heart Destiny the wind bloweth where it listeth. I made up my own mind Peace on mind. I don't want nothing anymore I am I I don't want nothing anymore. I can love you I'll be waiting forever and a day. For you We are walking We can walk together We are smiling We have smiling our face We are walking We can walk together We are smiling We have smiling our face La la la. La la la... この島に生を受けて時流れはやし早二十年 変わりゆく時と共に大切な物まで失うものか あぁ生きていてよかったと永遠の淵言えますように どんな小さな花でさえ風に吹かれ人に踏まれ輝いてる 産声あげ母の胸にねむる赤ちゃん それぞれの思い抱いて歩き出す若者よ 肌の色言語の壁超え愛育む二人 現実の日々に疲れあきらめないで国の民よ さぁみんなで歌いましょう あぁ生きていてよかったと永遠の淵言えますように どんな小さな花でさえ風に吹かれ人に踏まれ輝いてる 流行りメディア欲に負ける少年少女 自分らしさ自分捜す旅自分の事だけ 親のおかげ周りの支え今のあなたあるの そんな小さなものさしで誰と比べるあなたの価値 さあみんなで歌いましょう あぁ生きていてよかったと永遠の淵言えますように どんな小さな花でさえ風に吹かれ人に踏まれ輝いてる さぁみんなで歌いましょう あぁ生きていてよかったと永遠の淵言えますように どんな小さな花でさえ風に吹かれ人に踏まれ輝いてる さぁみんなで歌いましょう