PARADE 胸打つリズムに 倍音の鐘が響く 裏打つ自在の 低音のグルーヴが泳ぐ 音像の輪を生む 左右に彩る コバルトブルーの歪み 飛び交うメロディに 響きを7thに乗せて さぁ奏でよう グリッドも超えて さぁ重ねよう プラグに火をつけて Still a long way to go Towards the light, we go Anywhere. Anywhere, this parade lasts My voice from down deep inside 空気中を踊らせ Let go Towards the light, we go Anywhere. Anywhere, this parade lasts My voice from down deep inside 共鳴するこの奏を さぁ奏でよう グリッドも超えて さぁ重ねよう プラグに火をつけて Still a long way to go Towards the light, we go Anywhere, Anywhere, this parade lasts My voice from down deep inside 今、繋げよう Still a long way to go Towards the light, we go Anywhere, Anywhere, this parade lasts My voice from down deep inside 空気中を踊らせ Let go Towards the light, we go Anywhere. Anywhere, this parade lasts My voice from down deep inside 終止符のない音色を