Believe Yourself 作词 : Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas 作曲 : Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas 夜に日を次ぐような毎日も いつか実を结ぶから 闇云でももがいてもいい 立ち止まらず进もう 思考回路 君だけが持つオリジナル ヒトモドキの殻を破るための力になる かりそめの街でクモの糸を上るよ believe yourself つまずいて くじけそうな君にこのメロディ 梦の场所远い でも见つけたのなら 素晴らしいんだよ Each path thats there are never identical Do you want to keep being a slave? Adore and hate you might be carrying, but no one except you can be you What others say isn't correct It is you who could decide whats best You might feel isolated It may be harsh but do not ever lose yourself Come now Sunny days Rainy days Weather all change Someday friends will leave You have to say good-bye but what you have to do will stay unchanged no matter what Present(and)past occasion have had changes Hold on tight to things you don't want to say good-bye Remember who you and what you are ひとすじ落ちた 雫が暖かくしみ込む 夕べの雨が嘘みたいだなと笑う Believe Yourself 悲しみも 絶望も乗り越えられるように 駆け巡る 想い ありったけ集めて 今歌うよ I'll sing this song for you Song that will keep us in touch Everlasting song that won't be lost I'll summon up my courage so that you can hear me call you from anywhere and anytime