I Was The One Who said that you should walk out? Who said that love was over? Who said that you could walk out? Who said that love was gone? Who said that you should walk out? Who said that love was over? Who said that you could walk out? Who said that love was gone? Hold on and wait one minute, Think you need reminding, hon. I was the one who, Never let you be without all you needed. Now just think, about what you'll be missing, And you know, you should think. Could it be, together we could fix it, Whatever, long love is worth saving. I was the one who helped you, To find your place in life. (I was the one!) And when nobody loved you, The heart you knew was mine. I was the one that comfort, Each day and every night. (I was the one!) And when you needed someone, I, held your hand in mine. I was the one! Oh baby, I was the one, the one, the one-the one, the one, the one, Oh yes, I was the one, the one, the one-the one, the one, the one, yeah.