First, come to talk to me so shily Next, tell me you've never seen a beautiful girl like me Don't show me yet, that you have money It's no good if you see other girls The moment we met the first time, the game started Are you ready to be serious? (Chorus) I'm a japanese queen Maybe you can stay with me I'm a japanese queen If everything goes well I'm a japanese queen You will see I'm a japanese queen What i want to do I'm a japanese queen I'm yours I can do anything for you Wow wow wow I'm a japanese queen But it's up to you if we can be together First, call me immediately Next, get some small present for me At the first date I'm happy when you call me to say Good night But don't talk to me about everything Don't give me compliments for my body Pretend to be not interested in *** It's good to go slow, step by step (Chorus) But maybe you didn't understand Don't ask me about my past I dont' wanna eat fast food Don't ask me to go to your place many times I'm not going at the early beginning It's important to take time Now it's time for a time-out (Chorus)