Here To Stay 他說他很怕危險 問我這裡有沒有危險? (I say) Come around again (and let me tell you) For the only sunrise and the moonlight and the highlight of my day I'm HERE TO STAY 他還問我 這裡 有沒有空間? ah huh 比起這商圈 (老實說) 其實我 喜歡保留幾十年的老店 But for the pretty smiles & faces of my lover & my old friends So I choose HERE TO STAY I've been hanging around, painting the town, it's been awhile Having all of the good times and bad times People come and go, leave us broken-hearted I miss the green, green grass of home Oh I've lived in this town, not forever but for a while Been sharing all of the good times and bad times People come and go, and the city keeps growing With love and hopes and dreams and memories (河洛語)... 台北有很多活動,所以我最愛去台北看表演 (阿美族語)... 到哪裡都很方便,玩的地方也很多 (英語)... 台北的夜生活挺酷的,有夜市、夜店,晚上絕不無聊 (普通話)... 我覺得台北會給你很多挫折,但是他也給你機會完成夢想 (客家語)... 我在台北待五六十年,台北是我最美好的故鄉 有沒有危險? 或許有些 有沒有空間? 沒有絕對 誰想要棄權? 不管是誰 I'm HERE TO STAY! For you and me and all my good, good friends For the sunrise, the moonlight, the highlight of my day (Oh yes) For the beautiful smiles & the faces of TAIPEI