Blow Your Mind Blow Your Mind -Dragon Ash 詞:Kj 曲:Dragon Ash Watch me now microphone が今ride 惜しみなく着火 Bonfire light こっち見な I mean don't close your eyes Tonight i'm gonna blow your mind Blow your mind Blow your mind Blow your mind Blow your blow your blow you mind One time for your mind My brain is pounding so hard it feels like it's going to burst Your heart's beating so fast blow your mind Blow your mind Now i'm gonna shake your blood then you feel it becomes so hot And drum's beating so loud blow your mind Juat blow your mind 張り詰めた感情を ぶちまけな反動を 手に取りそうな起爆装置 破裂寸前の Bomb 抱くように Blow my mind blow your mind keep it over night Blow your mind Free your mind you exceed the border line Blow your mind One time for your mind Requires haste i've got no time to waste I have a craze for swinging the sound's blade So don't be late cause i don't wanna wait blow your mind Just blow your mind 切り裂いた雷鳴を この場所で体現しよう 手に取りそうな起爆装置 破裂寸前の Bomb 抱くように Blow my mind blow your mind keep it over night Blow you mind Free your mind you exceed the border line Blow you mind Watch me now microphone が今ride 惜しみなく着火 Bonfire light こっち見な I mean don't close your eyes Tonight i'm gonna blow your mind Blow you mind ちゃちな自制心をただ 打ち消して解放 高らかに Make some noise Blow my mind blow your mind keep it over night Blow you mind Free your mind you exceed the border line Blow you mind Blow my mind blow your mind keep it over night Blow you mind Blow my mind blow your mind keep it over night Blow you mind