Today's the Day here I count down 3,2,1 so let's drop the bomb now and got to surprise the world it's new day, today is the day it's new day, today is the day 開け放てdoor 抜けるstreet 始まる24 告げるbeats 広げる地図 聞こえるtic-tac 振り払うようにまた四苦八苦 皆不完全なpiece 同じじゃつまんねんだfeelそう zigsaw繋ぐ風景 それぞれのbrand new day 時はそうready or not 窓ばっか見たってmerry go round 回んならgimme more chance 軽やかに立ってbaby go run 駆け回れnever too late 昨日よりbetter new way 明日よりもget a will today living one day at a time enjoying one moment at a time suffering to prove the life that's why a heart's beating day and night for the rest of our lives it's new day, today is the day there's nothing to be afraid of so what's today for ? 動く長針と短針が秒読み開始 恐れるより今日を自在に 飾れとりどり 咲かせ十人十色に大輪 転んで立ち上がる 瞬間だってそこに価値がある 橋架かる 渡ってyou gain それぞれのbrand new day 人はそうbeautiful fool 夢ばっかり追ってcould be contused それでいいshould be so cool 夢ばっか見ろってmusic for you 駆け回れnever too late 昨日よりbetter new way 明日よりもget a will today living one day at a time enjoying one moment at a time suffering to prove the life that's why a heart's beating day and night for the rest of our lives it's new day, today is the day here I count down 3,2,1 so let's drop the bomb now and got to surprise the world it's new day, today is our day ほら傷ばかり作る日々 無情に続く道 抜けて育む意思 ほら水溜り映る君 頭上に結ぶ虹 全ては美しい it's new day, today is the day it's new day, today is the day