神と人と Vocal Ver. Memories keep flooding in Showing the paths I should have taken but Now the time has run away from me I cannot change a thing I remember how you counselled me With wisdom of the ages true “Live your best life” you told me and “you walk the earth but ones” And now you've come to see me ones again Is comming closer unto me Oh just to live my life again To treasure every little moment then Satisfied I'd leave you all behind Accepting of my fate But I am full of grief To leave this life so incomplete My dream is coming to the end And now the light fading Broken wings have brought the journey's end Your voice that led me safe thus far Is fading from my ears You were everything to me A light to guide me in my darkest hour Don't want to say goodbye just yet Don't want to be alone And then you come to hold me ones again I feel safe at last Although I feel the end Is coming closer unto me If I could only travel back in time To peaceful days gone by But this is my price to pay To not survive beyond this very day... Oh the pain is lessened when you're near There is no fear I'm whole again as in days gone by If only for a while But it hurts to have to leave you so I don't want to go Could this sacrifice Cost me my life ? Oh tomorrow will not ever come My night's begun And I must travel far beyond To places yet unseen Remember me And tresure every day Even come what may Forget not the precious gift of time I pray