Not For Sale (Bonus Track) one,two,three so, I wanna buy it all wanna buy myself a way up Just to show I’ve done it all to show that I’m not wasting my time I went and bought a mountain of things so that I can call them mine buy a meaning to life then I will be fine I’ll be satisfied I’ll be satisfied I’ll be satisfied so, I sold my middle name sold my face and sold my stories well, I thought I’d make a gain no, no matter where I looked things that matter aren’t for sale so I bought everything else Then I realized The only thing I bought oh is just a lie oh is just a lie oh is just a lie so thank you very very much I’d like to keep my own ways if you don’t buy me it’s ok this is my home this is my place Yes it’s tiny and imperfect so don’t buy me it’s ok of all the things you crave all that catches your eye this you cannot buy no I cannot lie not here to satisfy not here to satisfy