And I Dreamt of You I see thy love in the distance... breathless gasping for air, for in thy dreams you where awakening to the bleakness in my room as my eyes begin to blear reality sets and starts the fear for do dreams come true or do i die alone waiting like the petals of a wilting flower falling off until there is none and the once beautiful flowers dies naked with no one to clothe it will i hold you in the grave or will the grave hold me? the numbing dreams never end the swallow's wings still amongst the idle wind my colored world turns to grayscale recollecting the memories eyes covered hazel contradiction of thy thoughts standing calm love not lost searching till i find my princess whose passionate eyes cut right through me for what is life if love exists only in thy thoughts? what is romance if it is all fiction? nothing but a portrait left empty, a passing cloud of hurt by to meet my love in the flesh is to find my whole heart your heart breaks though me your love is the key longing for my hearts door to what day till i see sunrays shine upon your face I dream of you: the way you look; The beating of love in your heart. your words are like the flowing of a spring, knowing thy love waits for me until eternity's end Is this poetry, or is this love's sickness engulfing my every being? take the heart from you, and the blood ceases from me I see what you hear breathtaking, the closest thing to me and my savior Falling in love to a person I have never met, but knowing she has salvation's fragrance By God's grace, this love will be free and able to fly away above the earth to a point of exhaustion but your breath will keep me alive Words are pointless, for this love is speechless. Preparing for the curtains close; Laying their clutching hands so tight I can feel your heart telling me it will be all right... Ascension to heaven where this love can not only walk, but it runs through the endless fields of joy Where love neither ends nor begins, but flows everlasting This was thy dream this daybreak and will by thy prayer: that I will rest sleepless till the sun rises on that day and butterflies sing with us as we write love's symphony The pages of life fill up the story of our love in a time long ago where fairy tales come true And you and I, my love, will live happily ever after... I love you.