Aha the do - aha it came up on a day i was having a nap it came up on a day i was catching the gnats it was a trap aha, aha, aha it came up on a day i was patting the cat a happy summer day, it was simple as that it was a trap aha, aha, aha this time i fell in your lap aha this time fell into your trap aha i was hanging out with the boys when you kicked me out it came up on a day i was building with haste a pretty sandcastle away from the waves and then the rain poured down aha, aha, aha you came up with a smile as i started to cry i said i was allright but you told me to cut the crap aha, aha, aha chorus this time you caught me alive, aha i had my head in the clouds, aha i thought no one could track me down til i got shot in the back, aha ! a little girl came and took me by the hand i had no choice as she said she knew the way a little girl said she wanted me to play i had no choice or she said she would be late ok, i wasn't allright ! i had my head in the clouds i was doing nothing at all til you shook me up