THE LIVING DEAD Where's all the money gone?-- I'm talking to you, All up the hole in your arm, Is the needle a much better screw? But oh, what will you do alone? 'Cos I have to go. Where is this life of fun that you promised me? Nothing here works but your works and I mean it I have to leave But oh, what will you do alone? 'Cos I have to go. If I was the wife of an acrobat would I look like the living dead, boy? You're on the wire and can't get back, let's talk about the living dead Could have had a car, could have had it all, Could have walked in the sky but we stare at the wall. I know where the money's gone-- I know what you do 'Cos I've seen the hole in your arm and The needle's a much better screw But oh, what will you do alone? 'Cos I have to go.