Sona Taobh cul an dorais cha robh grian Cha robh biadh is cha robh fion Tha la' an t-saoradh neist air tighinn Mar tuil, mar eun air sgiath Cum a mach do shuil is eisd Tha tobar shaibhreas aig an fheis Ar clann an-diugh, le guth an de Gasgaich og, le mire, le speis Sona 'drasd 'tha mi 'S mi gun uallach bhon a' ghreun Lin ur a tighinn gu bi 'Mach a fasach lom is tiorram Thai I ladir, tha I orach --oOo-- [Translation:] Sona (Joyful) “On the other side of the (prison) door there was no sun There was no food and there was no wine” But the day of release has now arrived Like a flood, like a bird on the wing “Keep your eyes open and listen” There is a well of riches at the Feis Our children today, with the voices of yesterday Champions of youth, with joy, with respect Joyful I have no worries now A new era has risen up From a bleak and an arid wilderness She is lovely, she is beautiful She is strong, she is golden