Mission Artist:rush Songs Title:mission Words by neil peart, music by geddy lee and alex lifeson Hold your fire -- Keep it burning bright Hold the flame til the dream ignites -- A spirit with a vision Is a dream with a mission I hear their passionate music Read the words That touch my heart I gaze at their feverish pictures The secrets that set them apart When I feel the powerful visions Their fire has made alive I wish I had that instinct -- I wish I had that drive Spirits fly on dangerous missions Imaginations on fire Focused high on soaring ambitions Consumed in a single desire In the grip of A nameless possession -- A slave to the drive of obsession -- A spirit with a vision Is a dream with a mission... I watch their images flicker Bringing light to a lifeless screen I walk through Their beautiful buildings And I wish I had their dreams But dreams dont need To have motion To keep their spark alive Obsession has to have action -- Pride turns on the drive Its cold comfort To the ones without it To know how they struggled -- How they suffered about it If their lives were Exotic and strange They would likely have Gladly exchanged them For something a little more plain Maybe something a little more sane We each pay a fabulous price For our visions of paradise But a spirit with a vision Is a dream with a mission...