So Easy So Easy (此轻而易举)-Röyksopp () Written by :Svein Berge Blue on blue Heartache on heartache Blue on blue now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through Blue on blue Now that we are through