Twice My Age ooooooooooooooooooooooooh ooooooooooooooooooooooooh ooooooooooooooooooooooooh i'm in love with a girl nearly twice my age this your one for my love you're all that i'm thinking of you're fly i'm cold ain't it just a number to odd your friends don't like us together wanna break us off that's cool alright we'll never let them change our love girl they wanna shake us they wanna break us they wanna take us we make us hard mistake us for a new love the only new love is where are we've got from the times i put my eyes on i know they say we're dead wrong you are all that i want i'm in love with a girl nearly twice my age don't know what it is must be a sin from the youth aways but i know her smile gonna drive me crazy so i'm in love with a girl nearly twice my age one just a bit a bit a bit a bit a bit one just a bit a bit a bit a bit one just a bit a bit a bit a bit a bit one just a bit a bit a bit a bit ooooooooooooooooooooooooh ooooooooooooooooooooooooh ooooooooooooooooooooooooh i'm in love with a girl nearly twice my age they're wrong i'm right they're just hating because you're mine it's cool alright what we want to cause it's our life as long as god is my witness just tell them to mind their bizness cause you get my hugs and kisses baby they wanna shake us they wanna break us they wanna take us we make us hard mistake us for a new love the only new love is where are we've got from the time i put my eyes on i know they say we're dead wrong you are all that i want cause i'm in love with a girl nearly twice my age don't know what it is must be a sin from the youth aways but i know her smile gonna drive me crazy so i'm in love with a girl nearly twice my age one just a bit a bit a bit a bit a bit one just a bit a bit a bit a bit one just a bit a bit a bit a bit a bit one just a bit a bit a bit a bit she the girl of my dreams got her own **** pretty in the face physically fit twice my age still i had to get her quick cause i ain’t never met a girl quite like this you know you want me boy than a friends you want me girl don't try and pretend wanna please like more than a ten meet me off and tell you again i'm in love with a girl nearly twice my age don't know what it is must be a sin from the youth aways but i know her smile gonna drive me crazy so i'm in love with a girl nearly twice my age one just a bit a bit a bit a bit a bit one just a bit a bit a bit a bit one just a bit a bit a bit a bit a bit one just a bit a bit a bit a bit i'm in love with a girl nearly twice my age