The Scarecrow (Stereo) (2007 Digital Remaster) The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows谁都知道黑黑绿绿的稻草人 Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere孤零零地站着 小鸟歇在他的帽子上 稻草遍布四周 He didn't care他并不在意 He stood in a field where barley grows 依旧站在田野里 麦子肆意生长 His head did no thinking他并不会思考 His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up rough 他的手臂木讷不动 除非狂风呼啸而过 And mice ran around on the ground田鼠在田地里到处乱窜 He stood in a field where barley grows 他依旧站在田野里 麦子肆意生长 The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me这个黑黑绿绿的稻草人比我还要悲惨 But now he's resigned to his fate但现在他已甘愿接受命运的安排 Because life's not unkind he doesn't mind因为生活并非那么残酷 他并不介意 He stood in a field where barley grows依旧站在田野里 麦子肆意生长