Not Too Late Noah And The Whale -Not Too Late I wanna give you a job but I still can't Wanna find my own way to be a man I wanna fight in a war don't wanna raise my hand I wanna find my own way to be a man You were hoping for so much more But it's not too late no it's not too late I can give you so much more But it's not too late no it's not too late Like the ocean breeze the passers by The giant redwood and sugar pine It shakes the branch and takes the leaves I feel the burden of defeat You were hoping for so much more But it's not too late no it's not too late I can give you so much more But it's not too late no it's not too late And I don't know what I can offer But I would offer it to you I'm a son and I'm a brother At least that much I know it's true You were hoping for so much more But it's not too late no it's not too late I can give you so much more But it's not too late no it's not too late End