Ifwhiteamericatoldthetruthforonedayit'sworldwouldfallapart (Remastered) Next Thursday you're invited to watch Rising Tide's live coverage of a gala tribute in salute to Ronald Reagan. Host Haley Barbour joins special guest lady Margaret Thatcher in celebrating the former president's 83 birthday. Ticket's are 1000 Dollars a plate but you can see the event free on GOP TV. Images of perfection, suntan and napalm Grenada - Haiti - Poland - Nicaragua Who shall we choose for our morality I'm thinking right now of Hollywood tragedy Big mac: smack: phoenix r: please smile y'all Cuba, Mexico can't cauterize our discipline Your idols speak so much of the abyss Yet your morals only run as deep as the surface Cool - groovy - morning - fine (If white) Tipper Gore was a friend of mine (America) I love a free country (told the truth) The stars and stripes and an apple for mommy (for one day) Conservative say: there ain't no black in the union jack Democrat say: there ain't enough white in the stars and stripes Compton - Harlem - a pimp ****ed a priest The white man has just found a new moral saviour Vital stats - how white was their skin Unimportant - just another inner-city drive-by thing Morning - fine - serve your first coffee of the day Real privilege, it will take your problems all away Number one - the best - no excuse from me I am here to serve the moral majority Cool - groovy - morning - fine (If white) Tipper Gore was a friend of mine (America) I love a free country (told the truth) The stars and stripes and an apple for mommy (for one day) Zapruder the first to masturbate The world's first taste of crucified grace And we say: there's not enough black in the union jack And we say: there's too much white in the stars and stripes **** the Brady bill **** the Brady bill If God made man they say Sam Colt made him equal