In Cythera Saw, all those things, I should have said, While I had the time. You, who stood by me, When I lost the plot, You were always kind. All, through these mortal joys, Through my anger, And endless rain. And during, my addictions, Yet the love you showed, Still remained the same. I'm grateful, For all the times we've shared. Through struggles, and madness, You're there. I've seen you, in a dream, On a sunny day, where the skies are clear. I'll see you, in Cythera, On an island, far away from here. If I don’t return Before your time is up I promise to set your place On the table with wine and fill your cup And to, ourselves we lie, As we, break down inside, 'cause we never, said enough, How much we really loved. I'm grateful, For all the times we've shared. Through struggles, and madness, You're there. I've seen you, in a dream, On a sunny day, where the skies are clear. I'll see you, in Cythera, On an island, far away from here. I'm grateful, For all the times we've shared. Through struggles, and madness, You're there. I've seen you, in a dream, On a sunny day, where the skies are clear. I'll see you, in Cythera, On an island, far away from here.