Anna Molly A cloud hangs over this city by the sea. I watch the ships pass and wonder if she might be out there and sober as well from loneliness. Please do persist, girl it's time we met and made a mess. I picture your face at the back of my eyes. A fire in the attic, proof of the prize! Anna-Molly, Anna-Molly, Anna-Molly. A cloud hangs over my head and mutes my happiness. A thousand ships couldn't sail me back from distress. Wish you were here I'm a wounded satellite. I need you here, put me back together, make me right. I picture your face at the back of my eyes. A fire in the attic, proof of the prize! Anna-Molly, Anna-Molly, Anna-Molly. I'm calling your name up into the air. Not one of the others could ever compare! Anna-Molly, Anna-Molly. Wait... there is a light... there is a fire defragmenting the attic. Fate? Or something better? I couldn't care less, just stay with me for a while. Wait... there is a light... there is a fire defragmenting the attic. Fate? Or something better? I couldn't care less, just stay with me for a while. I picture your face at the back of my eyes. A fire in the attic, proof of the prize! Anna-Molly, Anna-Molly, Anna-Molly. I'm calling your name up into the air. Not one of the others could ever compare! Anna-Molly, Anna-Molly.