Yesterday\'s News Yesterday's News 倾情撰写 what is the matter with you? what the hell you think you do? everyone can see you through you act like a holy saviour somehow so damn superior oh,what a strange behaviour how does it feel to be so damn self-satisfied? what does it take to get your feet on the ground? you're so lame with your fame no one can ever take you for real you and your friends ain't more than yesterday's news the smell of green will always turn your nose and that ain't right to those who have put their faith in you you're yesterday's news “来自天堂最颠极的呼啸” 你我不被遗忘------小雄爷! on the way to stardom,fortune and fame breaking promises is the name of the game like a spineless, crave fool no one's gonna trust in you 这一段旋律很熟悉 不知道大家吉他、键盘、贝斯弹得怎么样 武汉有很多不错的金属乐队 大家多多支持国人! 我们盟主谭导(狼子)有很多音乐上的朋友 欢迎大家多多交流 you're so lame with your fame no one can ever take you for real you and your friends ain't more than yesterday's news the smell of green will always turn your nose and that ain't right to those who have put their faith in you you're so lame with your fame no one can ever take you for real you and your friends ain't more than yesterday's news the smell of green will always turn your nose and that ain't right to those who have put their faith in you you're yesterday's news