Conquering Lion (Be You. Yabby, Yabby You.) La la la la la, la la la. Everyone come. to see Jah (Be You. Yabby, Yabby You.) La la la la la, la la la. Everyone come. to see Jah (Be You. Yabby, Yabby You.) Seventy two different nations Bow before Jah glory Seventy two different nations Bow before Jah glory (Be You. Yabby, Yabby You.) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (.) (Be You. Yabby, Yabby You.) For He is the King of Kings The Lord of Lords The Conquering Lion of Judah (Be You. Yabby, Yabby You.) For He is the King of Kings The Lord of Lords The Conquering Lion of Judah (Be You. Yabby, Yabby You.)