Melancholy My mother the cow who still feeds me now is being tortured Her son the bull who the fields should plough is being slaughtered The human child in the womb who is never born for being unwanted Melancholy in the Age of Kali Melancholy in the Age of Kali Kali KaliMy mother, the earth, man treats like dirt, her resources being exhausted Ant-like astronauts, of the human race, scratch and scar the moon's beautiful face My brother, the sun, he still shines on He'll continue to shine for some time to come Melancholy in the Age of Kali Melancholy in the Age of Kali Kali KaliLamentation Lamentation Lamentation (repeat) Heavenly Father still waters the grains Seems like tears fall as it rains Little boy blue come blow on your horn The sheeps in the meadow the cows in the corn Oh sweet friend of mine from an ancient nursery rhyme From a distant land once upon a time Melancholy in the Age of Kali Melancholy in the Age of Kali Kali Kali