The Sands Of Time From the beginning of this own world,man has shed a million tears. Tears for the pain they've hadin their lives and for all thewasted years. But the saddest tears that ever fell,fell not from just any man's eyes. But they were shed by my Saviorand they stained The Sands Of Time.As the Father looked upon His Son,He had to turn His face away. And as Jesus hung upon that cross, He gave His all for us that day. And as the tears ran down His face,as He cried, mixed with the bloodthat flowed from His side. Oh whata sacrifice of love and it stained The Sands Of Time.Oh yes it stained The Sands Of Time.It stained The Sands Of Time.The blood that was shed for a lostand dying world,oh yes it stained The Sands Of Time..... of time.