Maxim\'s 2 [0:0]Tonight the birds are watching me [0:13]Do they have more important things to do? [0:26]What of hearts in diamonds? [0:32]Oh I don't understand [0:43]Into Maxim's we will see them walk [0:46]Will they eat a piece of cheese or will they talk? [0:50]When they're loud enough we can hear their words [0:53]By night we are inquisitory birds [0:56]Some nights we are asked if we ever tire [1:00]Of gazing at their heels and everyday desires [1:04]Remember every dewy tale written of their loves? [1:07]Compare them to the ones they touch in front of us [1:44]We do not dance a story for you [1:56]Gil Blas bored whispers awakening the beast in me [2:5]Go! [2:8]Find your feet [2:11]Drink some blood [2:15]Say it to my face [2:19]If you want to be starting something