Down In Yon Forrest Down in yon forest there's stands a hall The bells of paradise I heard them ring It's covered all over with purple and pall And I love my Lord Jesus above anything In that hall there stands a bed The bells of paradise I heard them ring It's covered all over with scarlet so red And I love my Lord Jesus above anything At the bed side there lies a stone The bells of paradise I heard them ring The sweet virgin Mary knelt upon And I love my Lord Jesus above anything Under that bed there runs a flood The bells of paradise I heard them ring The one half runs water And other runs blood And I love my Lord Jesus above anything At the bed's foot there grows a thorn The bells of paradise I heard them ring Whichever blows blossoms since He was born And I love my Lord Jesus above anything Over that bed the moon shines bright The bells of paradise I heard them ring Denoting our Saviour was born this night And I love my Lord Jesus above anything