Special (Contains Hidden Track 'Can't Be Stopped.') Hey J It's been a long time since I've seen you last A half and twenty six years (My time is fast) I'm well Though I've gone through Some deep changes in my life It hasn't been easy Oh no not for me It's been difficult at times Sometimes I'd sit down and cry And ask God oh why (Fair.... what is?) I know how you're feelin' Same thing I did deal with Ya not as alone As you may feel You see but oh It catches up to us fast We have to deal with our past I know it's painful but There you'll find specialness 'Cause everybody needs to feel real special We need to remember The love lies deep within ourselves We have to want it so It starts with us and no one else We must learn We're all born with specialness inside of us I have the need To feel real special too You see you can't run away from your pain Because wherever you run there you will be You have to learn to water your spiritual garden Then you will be free I know how you're feelin' Same thing I did deal with Ya not as alone As you may feel You see but oh It catches up to us fast We have to deal with our past I know it's painful but There you'll find specialness 'Cause everybody needs to feel real special We need to remember The love lies deep within ourselves We have to want it so It starts with us and no one else We must learn We're all born with specialness inside of us I have the need To feel real special too END