This Is All We Have to Know Well i heard about this boy, how he could not decide If he should love someone who loved him or if he should deny her And hound some other one who was deaf to all his pleas And only kept him round to feed her vanity. Well he ended up alone, as people often do when they mess around with love Never knowing it is true There are kids who loved their pets Men who love their wives There are those who love their deaths More than they love their lives Wwell if they looked into themselves If they saw what there was there, They would surely know that love is better breath than air give your love up to the sun let it shine on everyone well i heard about this girl how she was hurt so bad she turned all her love inside her hoping to feel better there are those who love themselves more than anyone else well they should know that sad affliction can be dangerous for their health this is all we have to know feed your love and watch it grow this is all we have to know this is all we have to know